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2020-08-04, 14:06
版面: 留言板
主題: 回應《原始佛教與大乘信仰的差異》
回覆: 13
觀看: 15787

Re: 回應《原始佛教與大乘信仰的差異》

怎麼會沒有「菩薩」這個名稱? 〈相應部〉出現非常多次「菩薩」這個名詞 「菩薩摩訶薩」是 幾乎就要成佛 的一個位階 因為是 幾乎就要成佛 的位階,所以其智慧僅次於「佛」 故說聲聞 辟支佛智慧 所不能及。 【相應部12 因緣相應 佛陀品 第四毘婆尸】 諸比丘!毘婆尸世尊、應供、正等覺者。 正覺之前,尚未成正覺,為菩薩時 ,於正念而思念.... 「菩薩」就是: 幾乎已成正覺 的一個位階 譬如,可能 下一秒 就 證佛果 法友你好 一、菩薩一詞在佛教歷史中的演變,你應該先去了解一下,這裡不多做解釋。簡單說結論,在佛陀當時,菩薩一詞「僅限」於佛陀稱自己或其他的佛(已證涅槃)當初還是凡夫(尚未證涅槃)階段...
2020-08-03, 23:20
版面: 留言板
主題: 回應《原始佛教與大乘信仰的差異》
回覆: 13
觀看: 15787

Re: 回應《原始佛教與大乘信仰的差異》

法友你好 大乘是個大雜燴,本來就很難舉出一個特定的經律論或人物來代表大乘,批評大乘也就只能把一些指標性經律論或人物一起拿來當作批評的對象。 所以當有人批評大乘卻沒有批評到「你認知的大乘」是很正常的,因為「你認知的大乘」也未必代表大乘。那麼對於別人對大乘的批評,就針對批評的實際內容去討論即可,說別人批評的對象不代表大乘其實是多餘的。譬如作者說藥師佛不存在,你就把藥師佛存在的經典內容舉出來給大家看就行了,其他的就讓讀者自行判斷即可。 大乘經典問題很多,就像是佛陀所說的「像法」,跟佛法相像但又不是,所以在大乘佛法中有隻字片語跟正法相同或雷同是很正常的,因為完全不同就不「像」了。 所以請法友不要拿一大...
2020-01-15, 14:36
版面: 留言板
主題: 禪修風險
回覆: 48
觀看: 134240

Re: 禪修風險

2019-12-08, 13:41
版面: 原始佛法討論區
主題: "正定”的見聞與理解
回覆: 31
觀看: 76186

Re: "正定”的見聞與理解

掌中之叶 寫:
2019-12-08, 02:45
另外为什么这个论坛发帖还要审核呀 这样就不能即时交流了
2019-11-22, 18:30
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

37. Secure

37. Secure __ To understand secure or security before: we need to understand what is insecure or insecurity? The Pali word khemaṁ is for secure. Something secure is safety or protected from dangers & harms. So insecure is not safe or not protected from dangers & harms. Man has body & mind. For ordi...
2019-11-22, 18:10
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

36. Dustless

36. Dustless __ A person mind is dustless. What does it mean? Here dust is a metaphorical term & represents greed (lobha), dosa (hatred) & delusion (moha). These are the three roots of unwholesome phenomena. A dustless mind is free from greed, hatred & delusion, which is an arahant’s mind. A mind f...
2019-11-22, 18:05
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

35. Sorrowless

35. Sorrowless __ Sorrow in the Pali word is called soka. Encounter sorrow things & the mind has displeasure feeling of mental factor is called soka. Every time soka arises, including dosa (hatred). The deep sadness of sorrow is quite common in people of today. Sorrow comes from the loss of one’s l...
2019-11-22, 17:46
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

34. A mind that, when touched by the ways of the world is unshaken

34. A mind that, when touched by the ways of the world is unshaken __ The beginning verse – a mind that, when touched by the ways of the world (i.e., the eight worldly dhammas – loka dhamma) is also related to 35, 36 & 37. First, we have to know what are the ways of the world. There are eight numbe...
2019-11-22, 17:32
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

33. Realizing Nibbāna

33. Realizing Nibbāna __ The 32nd blessing is seeing the noble truths, & 33rd realizes Nibbāna. So what are the differences between them? Seeing the noble truths is the 4 Path Knowledge. These are; the Path Knowledge of a stream winner, the path knowledge of a once-returner, the path knowledge of a...
2019-11-22, 16:50
版面: 佛法資源
主題: Maṅgala Sutta--Protection with Blessing(吉祥經)
回覆: 51
觀看: 130821

Purification of the Way

(7) Purification of the Way __ To talk about the purification of the way, we need to know about the ten insight knowledge. These are: [1] Knowledge of comprehension – Sammasanañānam [2] Knowledge of rising & fall of formations (khandas) – Udayabbayañānam [3] Knowledge of the dissolution of formatio...